Michigan CASA Training Archives
Advocating for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: with Renee Orr, LMSW
May 2022: Education Series Session
Description: What is fetal alcohol syndrome? What are fetal alcohol spectrum disorders? How can these diagnoses affect a child? And what can I do as a CASA to properly advocate for the best needs of a child who has been diagnosed with these? Tune in to this webinar to learn about this issue from an expert in the field.
Additional Resources: Presentation slides
Understanding Trauma in Child Sexual Abuse: with Amelia Siders, PhD.
April 2022: Education Series Session
Description: In your role as a CASA, you likely encounter many children who are victims of sexual abuse.
This webinar is designed to support you in your work with these children. A combination of didactic lecture and interactive activities will be utilized, and opportunities for questions and discussion will be provided. The following areas will be addressed:
• An overview of how trauma impacts behaviors and responses in children
• What are some of the myths associated with sexual abuse?
• What could be some possible signs of sexual abuse?
• What can you do to support the family and the child? What is best practice?
• What are the most effective treatments for trauma and sexual abuse?
Please note that the nature of this topic could be upsetting and/or triggering to some people.
Additional Resources:
Children at risk evidence sheet
Online materials and applications used to manipulate children into sexually abusive situations: with Lt. Michael Teachout
March 2022: Education Series Session
Description: Lt. Michael Teachout from the Michigan State Police will review what online materials and applications are used to manipulate children into sexually abusive situations.
Additional Resources:
Lt. Michael Teachout contact information
Racial Bias: with Kelly Wickham Hurst, Executive Director of Being Black at School
February 2022: Education Series Session
Description: Continuing our conversation from our State Conference about racial bias.
Additional Resources:
Collecting Academic and Behavior Data at Home: with Beth Kohler and Diane Kullis, Special Education Mediation Services
January 2022: Education Series Session
Description: Do you advocate for a child who receives special education supports and services? How can you help in collecting relevant information so they may receive the best possible supports? We will learn about the most common issues regarding data, the realities of data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how you can support progress monitoring for students receiving special education services.
Additional Resources:
SEMS Collecting Data Handout
LGBTQ+ 101: Advocating for the Best Interest of LGBTQ Foster Youth with Greg Gough &
Diane Hartig, Bridge Evidence Group
June 2021 Education Series Session
Description: With the current discussions of sexual orientation so polarized, young people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, or who are just trying to understand their attractions to their own gender, can feel torn and disconnected. Add to this the other challenges these young people may face, and life can feel excessively burdensome for them. This training gives insights into the experiences of such young people. It aims to equip you to more effectively journey with and guide them.
Additional Resources:
LGBTQ+101 Presentation Slides
Considering ACEs and How to Build Resilience for Youth in Foster Care with
Leigh Moredyke, LMSW, CPS-M & Jodi Spicer
May 2021 Education Series Session
Description: Leigh and Jodi’s presentation, The ACEs study is one of the greatest public health discoveries of our time and can help us understand “It’s not what’s wrong with us, but what happened to us.” Using the ACEs framework for compassion and to build resiliency skills in children and youth can help to mitigate trauma and build healthier adults. Join us to learn what you can do in supporting children by addressing ACEs and toxic stress and building resilience.
Additional Resources:
Considering ACEs Presentation Slides
Considering ACEs Additional Resources and Links
How Diverse and Inclusive is Your Program with Roland Smith
April 2021 Education Series Session
Description: In this session we will learn what cultural competency and inclusion mean and why it is important to value that in your CASA program. We will take steps to identify barriers that keep us from being diverse and inclusive
Additional Resources:
Is Your CASA Program Diverse and Inclusive Presentation Slides
Maintaining Family Roots with Amy Bailey
March 2021 Education Series Session
Description: Amy's presentation, Maintaining Their Roots, explains how children in the child welfare system often become unintentionally unrooted. This training will help CASAs identify ways to realistically work to maintain the child’s connections, i.e. roots, at various stages of the child welfare case. Discussion will occur on how these actions can enhance the well-being, permanency outcomes, and identity development of children served. There will be a focus specific to sibling placements and connections.
Additional Resources:
Maintaining Family Roots Presentation Slides
Additional Resources and Links
Race Trauma with Beatriz Vides & Shenandoah Chefalo
February 2021 Education Series Session
Description: The relationship between structural violence, race, can be determinants of health. We will gain knowledge and understanding of race trauma and its impact as well as resilient strategies to mitigate it.
Fundraising & Recruitment with DiAnna Solomon
January 2021 Education Series Session
Description: DiAnna serves as Director of Fund Development, Communications and Advocacy at the Detroit Area Agency on Aging. In addition, she is the founder of RoseTrinity Consulting, a result of her careers in finance sales, customer service and management. She first talks to us about developing and running a fundraising campaign, guiding us through the steps of ensuring the best environment to build a solid foundation across all platforms. Her second hour focused on volunteer recruitment and the importance of being patient and nurturing relationships.
Diversity and Inclusion with Zenelle Brown
December 2020 Education Series Session
Description: Zenell Brown, Executive Court Administrator of the Third Circuit Court and author of Coffee and Conversations; Inclusion and Belonging, points out that diversity and inclusion are not achieved with a single event, but rather, with everyday occurrences that require attention and effort. “Diversity and inclusion should be on our radar each day and discussed over coffee like the weather and sports.”
What Does CASA Mean to You?
Description: An intimate look into what Michigan CASA is and how its affiliate local programs give a voice to the vulnerable children of Michigan.