The Influence a CASA Makes
From a grandmother:
“I want to write a note and recognize our CASA Volunteer, Bill L. Bill has been a life saver in our home. We took custody of our grandchild, Joey, two years ago. At the time, we had not seen Joey for almost 4 years due to his mother disconnecting from the family because of a mental illness.
Before coming to our home, Joey and his mother had been homeless several times, had had many men in and out of his home, often abusing his mom and we assume Joey also. Joey also lived with a convicted murderer. (To this day, I still do not know why he is out of jail.) Needless to say, Joey had been extremely traumatized.
When we met Bill, we were at the end of our rope. Joey was very physically abusive, verbally abusive and had behaviors that were very much like a two-year old (even though he was 10 years old.) We ended up in the Mental Health Crisis center at least three times because his behaviors were so extreme. I had just had a heart attack due to the stress. We did not know how much longer we could hold on.
CASA Volunteer Bill has been a life saver in our home.
Thank you Bill.
Then came Bill. When we first met him we knew little about CASA. When he came over the first time, we asked him, what he could do to help us. He basically said he would just be a friend to Joey and give us a little break each week. Since that Saturday, Bill has FAITHFULLY come over virtually every Saturday. He usually takes Joey to McDonald's for breakfast and talks with him, and then brings him back.
In the beginning Joey would not talk much to Bill but he kept coming back! Now Joey looks forward to Saturday mornings and his time with Bill. Bill has been a GREAT role model to Joey and he accepts Joey for who he is. He has even come to some of Joey's ballgames, which Joey loves.
Joey's behaviors have improved greatly, and while we still have a lot of ups and downs, Bill has been a very significant part of our village!
If there ever is a lifesaver, it has been Bill! In the beginning, I am not sure what we would have done without him. He is encouraging to my husband and I and a real friend and role model to Joey.
I don't know if you ever have any recognition for the CASA workers, but Bill deserves the highest recognition there is! We are coming to the end of the foster care system (we hope). We will soon be Joey's legal guardians. I don't know what the process is, but I suspect our time for a CASA volunteer may be coming to a close. We hope we can continue to stay in touch with Bill as he has been such a good influence in Joey's life!
Permission was granted to use this story and we have changed the names.