Be a Consistent Person for Them Throughout Their Journey

A CASA volunteer was assigned to a 14 year old girl who’s been in the foster care system for many years. People who know this youth well indicated that they didn’t expect her to have a positive outcome, stating that they believe she will likely age out of the foster care system when she turns 18.

We ask our CASA volunteers to remain the child’s advocate until their case closes with the court. The volunteer was given this information about this child before accepting this case assignment. Without hesitation, this CASA made the commitment to stay connected with this child, possibly until her 18th birthday.

Since being assigned to the case, the CASA has built a strong relationship with this young lady. She visits her in her residential facility often, and makes phone calls, video chats, and sends cards in between her face to face visits. This child has had many ups and downs this year, but she’s remained hopeful, continued to do well academically in school, and has made significant strides in her therapy sessions.

Like many of the older youth we advocate for, much of their support system has faded away, and they have little to no family support left in their life. It’s likely this young woman would not be on this path today if it wasn’t for her CASA who continues to be her advocate and continues to support and cheer her on during her difficult journey.

Our CASA volunteers make an incredible commitment to the children they serve, dedicating years of advocacy to one child to be a consistent person for them throughout their journey.


One Caring Adult Can Make A Difference


Educational Advocacy for a Young Child. . .